Clinic Addresses:
426000, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, ul. Votkinskoye highway, 196/1
426009, Udmurt Republic, Izhevsk, ul. Lenin, 87a
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Head of the Department: Vavilov Alexey Yurievich, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor
Day of the week | Carrying out time | Teacher of department |
Monday | from 16:00 till 17:00 | MD, professor V.I. Viter |
Tuesday | from 16:00 till 17:00 | MD, professor V.L. Proshutin |
Wednesday | from 16:00 till 17:00 | MD, associate professor A.R. Pozdeev, PhDs associate professor A.S.Orlov |
Thursday | from 16:00 till 17:00 | PhDs in Medicine., associate professor K.A. Babushkina |
Friday | from 15:00 till 16:00 | MD, professor A.Yu. Vavilov |
Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education
Izhevsk State Medical Academy
(name of discipline)
Program track (specialty) 31.05.01 General medicine
Profile: specialist
Credit value: 2 credit units
The goal - the main goal of teaching the discipline "Fundamentals of Russian statehood" is to form a knowledge system among students, skills and competencies, as well as values, rules and norms of behavior, related to the awareness of belonging to Russian society, the development of a sense of patriotism and citizenship, the formation of a spiritual, moral and cultural foundation of a developed and integral person, aware of the peculiarities of the historical path of the Russian state, the identity of his political organization and the conjugation of individual dignity and success with the social progress and political stability of his homeland, as well as the compliance of the content and quality of training of students with the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty: 31.05.01 Medical care.
A graduate must have the following competencies: UK-5. He is able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts.
- present the history of Russia in its continuous civilizational dimension, reflect its most significant features, principles and current guidelines;
- reveal the value and behavioral content of a sense of citizenship and patriotism, inseparable from developed critical thinking, the free development of the person and the ability of independent judgment about the current political and cultural context;
- consider fundamental achievements, inventions, discoveries and achievements related to the development of the Russian land and Russian civilization, present them in an urgent and significant perspective that brings pride and ownership of its culture and its people in a citizen;
- present the key meanings, ethical and worldview doctrines that have developed within the Russian civilization and reflect its multinational, multi-confessional and solidarity (communal) character;
- consider the features of the modern political organization of Russian society, the causal nature and specifics of its actual transformation, the value provision of traditional institutional decisions and the special multivariance of relations between the Russian state and society in a federal dimension;
- explore the most likely external and internal challenges facing Russian civilization and its statehood at the moment, identify key scenarios for its prospective development;
- to identify the fundamental value principles (constants) of Russian civilization (unity of diversity, sovereignty (strength and trust), harmony and cooperation, love and responsibility, creation and development), as well as related value guidelines for Russian civilizational development (such as stability, mission, responsibility and justice).
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:
- to realize the modern Russian statehood and the current political structure of the country in a wide cultural, value and historical context, to perceive the continuous nature of domestic history and the multinational, civilizational vector of its development;
- perceive and share a mature sense of citizenship and patriotism, feel their belonging to Russian civilization and Russian society, perceive their personal development through the prism of the public good and moral and moral guidelines relevant to humans;
- participate in the formation and improvement of the political structure of their homeland, accept and share responsibility for what is happening in the country, realize the importance of their civic participation and the prospects for their self-realization in socio-political life;
- develop the skill of critical thinking and independent judgment, allowing to improve their academic and research competencies even in correlation with resonant and suggestive problems and challenges;
- to form the ability for attentive, objective and complete analysis of incoming socio-political information, the ability to check various opinions, positions and statements for accuracy, consistency and conventionality;
- improve their personal and mass communication skills, develop the ability to compromise and dialogue, respectful acceptance of national, religious, cultural and worldview characteristics of various peoples and communities;
- confidently possess key information about the political structure of your country, your region and your area, form the competence of conscious historical perception and political analysis;
- to form the ability to aggregate and articulate an active civic and political position, to develop a value-significant skill of involvement in public life and not indifferent involvement (empathy) in the key problems of their community and their homeland.
As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:
Have a view:
- on the civilizational nature of Russian statehood, its main features, value principles and guidelines;
- on key meanings, ethical and worldview doctrines that have developed within the Russian civilization and reflect its multinational, multi-confessional and solidarity (communal) character;
- on the most probable external and internal challenges facing Russian civilization and its statehood at the moment, key scenarios of Russia's prospective development;
- fundamental achievements, inventions, discoveries and achievements related to the development of the Russian land and Russian civilization, to present them in an actual and significant perspective;
- peculiarities of the modern political organization of Russian society, causal nature and specifics of its actual transformation, value provision of traditional institutional solutions and special multivariance of relations between the Russian state and society in the federal dimension;
- fundamental value principles of Russian civilization (such as diversity, sovereignty, harmony, trust and creation), as well as promising value guidelines of Russian civilizational development (such as stability, mission, responsibility and justice;
Be able to:
- adequately perceive relevant social and cultural differences, respectfully and carefully treat historical heritage and cultural traditions;
- find and use the information necessary for self-development and interaction with other people about cultural features and traditions of various social groups;
- show in their behavior a respectful attitude to the historical heritage and socio-cultural traditions of various social groups, based on knowledge of the stages of the historical development of Russia in the context of world history and cultural traditions of the world;
- skills of conscious selection of value guidelines and civic position;
- skills of reasoned discussion and solution of problems of worldview, social and personal character;
- developed sense of citizenship and patriotism, skills of independent critical thinking.
Universal competencies of graduates and indicators of their achievement:
Name of the universal category (group) competences | Code and name of universal competences | Code and name of indicator of achievement of universal competencies
Intercultural interaction | UK-5. He is able to perceive the intercultural diversity of society in socio-historical, ethical and philosophical contexts. | ID-1 UK-5.1. Demonstrates a tolerant perception of social and cultural differences, respectful and careful attitude to historical heritage and cultural traditions. UK-5.2. Finds and uses the information necessary for self-development and interaction with other people about the cultural characteristics and traditions of various social groups. UK-5.3. He shows in his behavior a respectful attitude to the historical heritage and socio-cultural traditions of various social groups, based on knowledge of the stages of the historical development of Russia in the context of world history and cultural traditions of the world. UK-5.4. Consciously chooses value guidelines and civic position; discusses and solves problems of worldview, social and personal character |
Hours of discipline distribution
Type of academic work | Total hours/credits |
Lectures | 18 |
Seminars | 36 |
Student self-guided work | 18 |
Type of midterm assessment | Test (with evaluation) |
Total workload (hours/credits) | 72 |
Sections of discipline and competence that are formed during their study:
№ | Competence code | Discipline Section Name | Content of the section in didactic units |
1. | UK-5. | What is Russia | 1. A country in its spatial, human, resource, ideological-symbolic and normative-political dimension. 2. Objective and characteristic data on Russia, its geography, resources, economy. 3. Population, culture, religions and languages. 4. The current situation of the Russian regions. 5. Prominent personalities ("heroes"). 6. Key tests and victories of Russia, reflected in its modern history. |
2. | UK-5. | Russian state-civilization | 1. Historical, geographical, institutional grounds for the formation of Russian civilization. 2. Conceptualization of the concept of "civilization." 3. What is civilization? What were they and are they? Pros and cons of the civilizational approach. 4. Features of the civilizational development of Russia: the history of the multinational (supranational) nature of society, the transition from an imperial organization to a federal, inter-civilizational dialogue outside Russia (and within it). 5. The role and mission of Russia in the works of various domestic and foreign philosophers, historians, politicians, cultural figures. |
3. | UK-5. | Russian worldview and values of Russian civilization | 1. Worldview and its significance for man, society, state 2. What is a worldview? Question theory and related scientific concepts. 3. Worldview as a functional system. The worldview system of Russian civilization. 4. Presentation of key worldview positions and concepts related to Russian identity in the historical dimension and in the context of Russian federalism. 5. Consideration of these worldview positions in terms of key elements of socio-political life (myths, values and beliefs, needs and strategies). 6. The importance of communication practices and government decisions in the field of worldview (memory policy, symbolic policy, etc.). 7. An independent picture of the world and a history of a special worldview of Russian civilization. 8. Values (constants) of Russian civilization: unity of diversity (1), sovereignty (strength and trust) (2), harmony and cooperation (3), love and responsibility (4), creation and development (5). Their reflection in current sociological data and political research. 9. "Systemic model of worldview" ("person - family - society - state - country") and its representation ("symbols - ideas and language - norms - rituals - institutions"). |
4. | UK-5. | The political structure of Russia | 1. Objective representation of Russian state and public institutions, their history and key causal relationships of recent years of social transformation. 2. Fundamentals of Russia's constitutional order. The principle of separation of powers and democracy. Features of the modern Russian political class. 3. Genealogy of leading political institutions, their history of the cause and effect of their transformation. Levels of organization of power in the Russian Federation. 4. Government projects and their importance (key industries, personnel, social sphere). |
5. | UK-5. | Challenges of the future and development of the country | 1. Scenarios for the prospective development of the country and the role of the citizen in these scenarios 2. Global trends and features of global development. Man-made risks, environmental challenges and economic shocks. The sovereignty of the country and its place in the scenarios of the prospective development of the world and Russian civilization. 3. Stability, mission, responsibility and justice as value benchmarks for the development and prosperity of Russia. 4. Solidarity, unity and stability of Russian society in a civilizational dimension. 5. The desire for compromise, altruism and mutual assistance as significant principles of Russian politics. 6. Responsibility and mission as benchmarks for personal and social development. 7. Justice and meritocracy in Russian society. The idea of the communitarian nature of Russian citizenship, the continuity of personal success and the well-being of the Motherland. |
Professor А.R. Pozdeev
Assistant professor A.S. Orlov
The goal is to comply with the content and quality of training of students with the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty: 31.05.01 Medical affairs.
The graduate must have the following competencies:
UK-11. He is able to form an intolerance to the manifestations of extremism, terrorism, corruption behavior and counteract them in professional activities.
OPK-1. Able to implement moral and legal norms, ethical and deontological principles in professional activity.
OPK-3. Capable of countering and fighting the use of doping in sports.
- teaching students theoretical knowledge about the principles of rights, legal institutions, categories and the modern level of development of legal science;
- training students in the basic provisions of various branches of law of the Russian Federation;
- training students in basic provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of health care;
- Training students in the interpretation and application of the legal rules of different branches of law to specific legally relevant facts;
- Teaching students the right legal guidance in the current legislation on health care in the Russian Federation and its adequate application in specific practical situations;
- familiarization of students with legal issues of medical insurance in the provision of medical care (services) with emphasis on the primary (outpatient and polyclinic) link of domestic health care, legal regulation in the field of compulsory health insurance;
- acquainting students with the rights of citizens, individual groups of the population and patients to health care, guarantees of medical and social assistance;
- Educating students about the rights and obligations of medical workers of medical and preventive institutions, various structures of the health system, the principles and provisions of their social and legal protection, legal responsibility for offenses in carrying out professional activities;
- The formation of a respectful attitude among students to the rights of patients and the responsibility of doctors for causing harm to health, professional and professional offenses;
- To educate students about the principles and provisions of international law in accordance with ethical, moral and religious standards;
- teaching students basic provisions of medical law;
- introduction of modern reference information legal systems to students;
- Education of students in respect for laws and other normative acts as the fundamental guarantee of respect for the rights, liberties and interests of citizens and society.
- basic principles and provisions of constitutional, civil, labour, family, administrative, civil, information, medical, sports law;
- ethical, legal, rules and principles of professional medical conduct, the right of a doctor and a patient;
- the legal framework for the protection of the health of citizens in Russia and foreign countries;
- the legal basis for financing health care in Russia;
- monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation on protection of health of citizens;
- Legal framework for the status of health workers: general and special;
- protection of the rights of health workers, medical organizations;
- legal responsibility for offences in the field of health protection of citizens;
- the legal basis for the organization and conduct of medical examinations;
- requirements for carrying out professional activities of a doctor in relation to athletes and candidates for sports teams taking into account anti-doping requirements.
Be able to:
- Apply the principles and provisions of constitutional, civil, labour, family, administrative, civil, information, medical, sports law in practice;
- use ethical, legal norms, principles of professional medical behavior in practical situations;
- Guide in situations of monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation on the protection of public health;
- Analyse the legal statuses of health workers in existing legal relations;
- use the protection of the rights of health workers, medical organizations;
- To focus on legal responsibility in the field of public health;
- determine the necessary types of medical examinations in practical situations;
- to make lawful decisions on their own in a particular situation arising from the professional activity of a doctor;
- Respect the legal framework for information security in health care;
- Provide a legal assessment and qualify legal facts;
- Apply requirements for the professional activities of a doctor to athletes and candidates for sports teams taking into account anti-doping requirements.
- skills in working with reference legal systems to find the necessary legal information.
- skills to express an independent point of view based on legal argumentation, public speech, and discussion;
- Analysis of the variety of legal relations that arise in professional medical activities and of their optimal legal decisions;
- Skills in working with sources of law, normative documents regulating medical activities, understanding the hierarchy of normative acts, starting with the basic law - the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
- Skills in legal evaluation of cases of improper provision of medical care (services), other offenses of medical personnel;
- Skills in the analysis of violations of citizens' rights in the field of health protection;
- competence to carry out professional activities of a doctor in relation to athletes and candidates for sports teams taking into account anti-doping requirements.
3. Place of discipline in the structure of the OPOP:
The discipline (module) "Medical Law" refers to Block 1 of the Basic Part.
The basic knowledge necessary for the study of the discipline is formed when studying disciplines that are part of a single state examination when enrolling in a university, as well as during a semester when studying disciplines in parallel: History, foreign language, BJD, physics, chemistry, biology, general care of patients, Latin language, formation of a healthy lifestyle.
It is prior to the study of disciplines: medical informatics, histology, embryology, cytology, philosophy, life safety, disaster medicine, biochemistry, normal physiology, microbiology, virology, hygiene, immunology, pharmacology, pathological anatomy, pathophysiology, propedeutics of internal diseases, radiation diagnosis, general surgery, public health and health, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, medical rehabilitation, otorhinolaryngology, neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics, faculty therapy, occupational diseases, faculty surgery, urology, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, dermatovenerology, psychiatry, medical psychology, infectious diseases, dentistry, hospital therapy, endocrinology, hospital surgery, paediatric surgery, polyclinic therapy, traumatology and orthopaedics, clinical pharmacology, forensic medicine, anesthesiology, resuscitation, intensive, phthisiology, epidemiology, oncology, radiation therapy, basic emergency and emergency care, physical culture and sports, professionally oriented foreign language, history of medicine, psychology and pedagogy, bioethics, gerontological features of organs, nursing, functional diagnosis in the clinic of internal diseases, the basis of modern reconstructive, restorative and transplant surgery, medical and legal basis of doctor's activity, selected issues of therapy, economics, elective disciplines on physical culture and sports, biophysics and fundamentals of informatics, culturology, fundamentals of religious studies, introduction to specialty, political-legal systems and relations in modern Russia, medical ecology, promising issues in the development of pharmacology, toxicology, sanology, clinical biochemistry, topical issues of operative surgery and topographic anatomy, modern directions in operational treatment of patients with GI diseases, topical issues of oncology, phytotherapy in doctor's practice, legal protection and safety of doctor, physiological foundations of complementary medicine, extreme medicine, basics of clinical laboratory diagnostics, narcology, hematology and hemotransfusiology issues, provision of antiepidemic safety in the provision of medical care to COVID-19 patients.
4. Planned results of training by discipline (module), related to indicators of achievement of competences
4.1. As a result of the study of the discipline "Medical Law," the graduate must form:
UK-11. He is able to form an intolerance to the manifestations of extremism, terrorism, corruption behavior and counteract them in professional activities.
OPK-1. Able to implement moral and legal norms, ethical and deontological principles in professional activity.
OPK-3. Capable of countering and fighting the use of doping in sports.
- Universal competencies of graduates and indicators of their achievement:
Name of category (group) of universal competences | Code and name of universal competences | Code and name of the indicator of achievement of universal competences |
Civil position | UK-11. He is able to form an intolerance to the manifestations of extremism, terrorism, corruption behavior and counteract them in professional activities. | ID-1UK-11. Analyzes existing legal norms that ensure the fight against corruption, extremist activities and terrorism, as well as ways to prevent corruption, directing to counter terrorist and extremist activities; ID-2UK-11. Plans, organizes and conducts measures to ensure the formation of a civil position and the prevention of corruption of extremist activities and terrorism in society; ID-3UK-11. Abides by the rules of public cooperation on the basis of intolerance of corruption, extremist activity and terrorism. |
4.3 General professional competences of graduates and indicators of their achievement:
Name of category (group) of general professional competences | Code and name of general professional competences | Code and name of the indicator of achievement of general professional competences |
Ethical and legal basis of professional activity | OPK-1. Able to implement moral and legal norms, ethical and deontological principles in professional activities | IOPC 1.1 Knows: the basics of medical ethics and deontology; The basis of health legislation; legal aspects of medical activity IOPC 1.2 Is able to: apply ethical standards and principles of behavior of a medical worker in the performance of his professional duties; knowledge of modern legislation in the field of health care in the solution of tasks of professional activity; apply the rules and rules of the doctor's interaction with colleagues and patients (their legal representatives) IOPC 1.3 Has practical experience: solving standard tasks of professional activity based on ethical standards and deontological principles in interaction with colleagues and patients (their legal representatives), knowledge of legal aspects of medical activity |
Ethical and legal basis of professional activity | OPK-3. Capable of countering and fighting the use of doping in sports | IOPC 3.1 Knows: fundamentals of legislation in the field of countering the use of doping in sports; mechanisms of action of essential drugs used as doping in sports IOPC 3.2 Is able to apply knowledge of the mechanisms of action of basic drugs used as doping in sports to organize the fight against it; to carry out sanitary and educational work among different groups of the population. IOPC 3.3 Has practical experience: carrying out sanitary and educational work aimed at combating doping in sports, among students engaged in sports. |
4.4. Graduate professional competencies and indicators of their achievement:
There is no provision for the State educational standard of higher education - specialization 31.05.01 Medical affairs.
5. Sections of discipline and competence that are formed when they are studied:
№ | Competency code | Name of the discipline section | Section content in didactic units |
1. | UK-11 OPK-1 | State policy in the field of health protection of citizens | 1. The concept and essence of law. Medical law as a branch of law. Biomedical law. 2. The main world models of health care (public, private, insurance, Semashko, Beveridge, insurance accumulative accounts). 3. Public regulation of the healthcare industry 4. Executive bodies implementing health management in Russia 5. Medical activities under basic, special, extraordinary legal regimes. 6. Self-regulation in medicine 7. Planning and forecasting in health care. |
2. | UK-11 OPK-1 | Legal framework for health insurance in the Russian Federation | 1. Compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation. 2. Insurance of civil liability of medical workers. 3. Insurance medical organizations, as subjects of patient and medical organization rights protection. 4. Medical and economic control, examination, examination of the quality of medical care. 5. Voluntary insurance. |
3. | UK-11 OPK-1 | Monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation in the field of health care and drug circulation | 1. Concept of mandatory requirements and principles of state (municipal control in the Russian Federation. 2. Monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation on the protection of health of citizens. 3. Bodies authorized to monitor (supervise) compliance with legislation in the field of health care and the circulation of medicines. 4. Departmental control of the quality and safety of medical activities. 5. Internal control of the quality and safety of medical activities. 6. Public monitoring of compliance with legislation in the field of health care and the circulation of medicines. |
4. | UK-11 OPK-1 | Protection of the rights and interests of medical organizations in civil and administrative proceedings | 1. Medical organizations and their types. Features of the legal situation of medical organizations 2. The concept and types of health workers, their rights and duties. 3. Official duties and responsibility of heads of medical organizations. 4. Involvement of medical organizations as a civil defendant from breaches of treaty obligations and tort legal relations. 5. Medical organizations in administrative proceedings (according to the CAS of the Russian Federation - heads from 30). |
5 | OPK-3 | Activity of the doctor taking into account anti-doping requirements | 1. Topical issues of sports medicine regulation. 2. Legal status of athletes, coaches and other specialists in the field of sports 3. Protection of rights of sports actors: theory and practice 4. Prevention of doping in sports. 5. Requirements for carrying out professional activities of a doctor in relation to athletes and candidates for sports teams taking into account anti-doping requirements |
6 | UK-11 OPK-1 | Criminal risks | 1. Medical cases. 2. Legal qualification of medical errors and medical care defects. 3. Qualification of the legal fact of adverse outcome of medical care. 4. Elements of the theory of proving yatrogenic crimes. 5. Investigation actions for yatrogenic crimes. 6. Stages of judicial review of jatrogenic crimes. 7. Legal protection and doctor's safety. |
6. Distribution of the labour intensity of the discipline.
6.1. Distribution of the labour intensity of the discipline and types of training work by semester:
Type of training work | Total labour consumption | Labour intensity by semester (AH) | ||
volume in test units (LE) | volume in academic hours (AS) | |||
1 | ||||
Auditing, including | 0,67 | 24 | 24 | |
Lectures (L) | 0,22 | 6 | 6 | |
Laboratory workshops (LP) | ||||
Practical classes (DBE) | 0,44 | 18 | 18 | |
Clinical Practical Classes (CRP) | ||||
Seminars (C) | ||||
Independent Student Work (SRS) | 0,33 | 12 | 12 | |
Interim certification | ||||
Set-off/exam | 1 | 1 | 1 | |
TOTAL | 1 | 36 | 36 |
6.2. Discipline sections, types of educational work and forms of monitoring:
p/No. | No. Semester | Name of the discipline section | Types of educational work (in AH) | Evaluation tools | ||||||
L | LP | PZ | PTDC | With | SRS | in total | ||||
1. | 2 | State policy in the field of health protection of citizens | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - lecture report; - survey (oral or written); - interview; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
2. | 2 | Legal framework for health insurance in the Russian Federation | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - survey (oral or written); - interview; - performance of control work; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
3. | 2 | Monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation in the field of health care and drug circulation | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - SWOT analysis; - survey (oral or written); - interview; - performance of control work; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
4. | 2 | Protection of the rights and interests of medical organizations in civil and administrative proceedings | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - SWOT analysis; - survey (oral or written); - interview; - performance of control work; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
5. | 2 | Activity of the doctor taking into account anti-doping requirements | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - SWOT analysis; - survey (oral or written); - interview; - performance of control work; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
6. | 2 | Criminal risks | 1 | 3 | 2 | 6 | - SWOT analysis; - survey (oral or written); - interview; - performance of control work; - Seminar; - testing; - abstract; - Essays and other creative works (by agreement with the teacher on the NIR program); - solving situational problems (cases) | |||
TOTAL | 6 | 18 | 12 | 36 | Testing/interviewing |
6.3. Distribution of lectures by semester:
p/No. | Title of lecture topics | Volume in AC |
Semester - 1 | ||
1. | State policy in the field of health protection of citizens | 1 |
2. | Legal framework for health insurance in the Russian Federation | 1 |
3. | Monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation in the field of health care and drug circulation | 1 |
4. | Protection of the rights and interests of medical organizations in civil and administrative proceedings | 1 |
5. | Activity of the doctor taking into account anti-doping requirements | 1 |
6. | Criminal risks | 1 |
TOTAL (total - AC) | 6 |
6.4. Distribution of laboratory workshops by semester:
Not provided by the program.
6.5. Distribution of topics of practical classes by semester:
p/No. | Name of seminar topics | Volume in AC |
Semester -1 | ||
1. | Legal regulation of medical activities and health care | 3 |
2. | Legal framework for health insurance in the Russian Federation | 3 |
3. | Legal regimes: concept, types. Administrative responsibility. Monitoring (supervision) of compliance with legislation on protection of health of citizens | 3 |
4. | Medical organizations: concept, types. Protection of the rights and interests of medical organizations in civil and administrative proceedings. | 3 |
5. | Carrying out professional activities of a doctor in relation to athletes and candidates for sports teams taking into account anti-doping requirements | 3 |
6. | Legal liability for offences in the field of health protection of citizens. Legal protection and doctor's safety. | 3 |
TOTAL (total - AC) | 18 |
6.6. Distribution of topics of clinical practical sessions by semester:
Not provided by the program.
6.7. Distribution of seminar topics by semester:
Not provided by the program.
6.8. Distribution of independent student work (SRS) by type and semester:
p/No. | Name of SRS type | Volume in AC |
Semester - 1 | ||
1. | Work with literary and other sources of information on the section studied in interactive form. | 1 |
2. | Preparation of reports, speeches, abstracts, essays | 1 |
3. | Preparation of legal documents in accordance with the topics of classes (contracts - marriage, labor (effective), medical services, etc., will, claims, analysis of "medical cases," etc. | 2 |
4. | Preparation for participation in an interactive form (role-playing and business games, discussions) | 1 |
5. | Work with electronic educational resources located on the educational portal of the Academy, department, social group "IGMA Law." | 1 |
6. | Work with Court Decisions on Civil Medical Cases. | 2 |
7. | Working with the Yatrogenic Crimes Decrees. | 2 |
8. | Presentation on medical law issues at the student conference. | 2 |
TOTAL (total - AC) | 12 |
Comparative Political Science [Electronic Resource]: a textbook for universities/V.V. Zheltov - M.: Academic Project, 2020. Gaudeamus Access Mode:
Optional textbooks:
Jane Henderson. 2011. The Constitution of the Russian Federation: A Contextual Analysis. Hart Publishing. Oxford and Oregon.
Maria Efremova, Svetlana Yakovleva and Jane Henderson. Russian Contract Law for foreigners. Hart Publishing, 2014.
An Introduction to Russian Business Law. By Lidings Law Firm (Author). Thomson Reuters. 2010.
- Further readings
- Federalism in Russia. Edited by Dr. Rafael Khakimov. Kazan, 2002. P. 1-27; 212-278. eng.pdf
- Carla L. Thorson. Politics, Judicial Review and the Russian Constitutional Court. Palgrave Macmillan. 2012.
- Trochev, Alexei. Judging Russia: Constitutional Court in Russian Politics, 1990-2006. Cambridge Univerity Press. 2008.
- Harold Berman, Justice in the USSR. Harvard University. 1963.
- Peter Solomon (ed.) Reforming Justice in Russia, 1864-1996: Power, Culture and the Limits of Legal Order. Armonk-NY: M.E.Sharpe. 1997.
- Alena V. Ledeneva. Russia's Economy of Favours: Blat, Networking and Informal Exchange. Cambridge University Press. 1998.
- Pamela Jordan, Defending Rights in Russia: Lawyers, the State, and the Legal Reform in the Post-Soviet Era. Vancouver: UBC Press. 2005.
- Graeme Gill and James Young, ed. Routledge Handbook of Russian Politics and Society.
- Jeffrey Kahn, Federalism, Democratization, and the Rule of Law in Russia. Oxford University Press. 2002.
- Eugene Huskey, Presidential Power in Russia. The National Council for Soviet and East European Reseaarch.1996.
- William Butler, Russian Law. 3rd ed. Oxford University Press. 2009.
- Hiroshi Oda, Russian Commercial Law. 2nd ed. Brill. 2007.
- Donald Barry, ed., Toward the 'Rule of Law' in Russia? Routledge, 1992.
- Jon Hellevig, Anton Kabakov and Artem Usov. Awara Russian Tax Guide. Chapter 3: General about Russian tax law. Update of 06.03.2015.
- Kristoffer Svendsen. The Constitutional Framework of Political Powers of the Russian Federation // Bond Law Review. Vol. 19, Issue 1, Aticle 8. 2007.
- Vasilieva S. Business community and authorities: constitutional and legal forms of relationship. Law. Higher School of Economics, 2013. No. 14/LAW/2013.
- Elena Lukyanova. On the Rule of Law in the Context of Russian Foreign Policy // Russian Law Journal, vol. 3, no 2, 2015.
- Peter H. Solomon, Jr., “Judicial Power in Authoritarian States: the Russian Experience,” in: Tom Ginsburg and Tamir Moustafa, eds, Rule by Law: The Politics of Courts in Authoritarian Regimes. Cambridge University Press. 2008.
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- Internet Sources
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Judgments of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Available in English at:
President of the Russian Federation -
Government of the Russian Federation -
The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation - http://www.council.
Supreme Court of the Russian Federation -
Children’s Rights Commissioner of the Russian Federation -
The Prosecutor General’s office of the Russian Federation - http ://eng. ru/? eng=1
The Constitutional Court
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