Address: 426056, Izhevsk, ul. Kommunarov, 281, IGMA, theoretical building of the academy
Phone: +7 (3412) 91-82-93
E-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Head of the Department: Churakov Alexander Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
The form of the lesson | The days of the week | The time of the conducting | The place of the conducting | The teacher |
Practical course | Tuesday 2503-2504 | 08.00-10.20 | Auditorium 401 (theoretical building) | Irina Beltyukova, Senior Teacher, Cand. Of Med. Science |
Practical course | Tuesday 2505-2506 | 14.45-17.00 | Auditorium 401 (theoretical building) | Tatiana Karavaeva, Associate Professor of Department, Cand. Of Med. Science |
Practical course | Friday 2501-2502 | 14.45-17.00 | Auditorium 401 (theoretical building) | Albina Burt, Associate Professor of Department, Cand. Of Med. Science |
Lecture | Tuesday | 10.40-12.15 | Auditorium 6 (theoretical building) | Albina Burt, Associate Professor of Department, Cand. Of Med. Science |
for 2nd year foreign students for 2024-2025 academic year
1. Hygienic assessment of the microclimate at the public and residential buildings, healthcare facilities and educational institutions. Air indoor temperature and humidity
2. Hygienic assessment of the microclimate at the public and residential buildings, healthcare facilities and educational institutions. Air velocity
3. Hygienic assessment of air quality at the premises of public and residential buildings, healthcare facilities and educational institutions
4. Hygienic assessment of lighting at the public and residential buildings, healthcare facilities and educational institutions
5. Final lesson on the section "Hygienic assessment of the microclimate at the public and residential buildings". Testing.
6. Hygiene of water supply. Drinking water quality assessment: acceptable, physical, and chemical parameters
7. Hygiene of water supply. Drinking water quality assessment: microbiological parameters
8. Hygiene of water supply. Sources of water supply. Water treatment
9. Hygiene of water supply. Sources of water supply. Desinfection
10. Final lesson on the section "Hygiene of water supply". Testing.
11. Food hygiene. Hygienic control of nutrition of organized groups
12. Nutrition adequacy assessment of the population.
13. Hygienic assessment of animal-based products
14. Hygienic assessment of plant-based products
15. Hygienic assessment of food preservation methods. Prevention of food poisoning
16. Importance of vitamins and minerals in human nutrition
17. Final lesson on the section "Food Hygiene"
Consultation – every Saturday at 13-00
Performed by teacher: Albina Burt, Associate Professor of Department,
Cand. Of Med. Science
1. Hygiene [Электронный ресурс]: textbook / ed. Melnichenko P.I. - М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2021. Режим доступа:
2. Educational and methodological textbook for practical classes on hygiene [Электронный ресурс] : tutorial / E. A. Shashina, V. V. Makarova. - Moscow : GEOTAR-Media, 2021 Режим доступа: